Who Would Benefit from this Course?

You're a teacher who is always looking for the best, easy to use, free instructional tools to teach and engage your students but currently you're overwhelmed with all of the demands of teaching. You want your personal time back, not have to create everything from scratch, and be able to implement technology tools with success.

Whether you are…

  • ➡️ an elementary teacher who has a love-hate relationship with technology :)

  • ➡️ a special education teacher who knows there are tools out there to help with differentiation but just not sure what and how to use them

  • ➡️ a high school teacher who is required to use technology tools but has been provided with minimal training

You're in the right place! In this course, you will receive step-by-step instruction on how to implement free tech tools so you can go from feeling overwhelmed with technology to feeling confident in using technology for teaching, assignments, and virtual connections. All this to save you time and avoid frustration!

Top Tech Tools for Teachers

In this course, you will receive step-by-step instruction on using free web-based edtech tools in your classroom. These tools were picked to create more student engagement and increase student academic achievement.

Video Course

*Button will go to the University webpage to enroll and get credits through the university, and the course name will be listed as “Elevating Classroom Engagement with Free EdTech Tools.” This is the same course material as Top Tech Tools for Teachers!

Choose “Enroll (No Credits)” if you have a promo code.

  • "This was honestly one of the best courses I have ever taken. Jacey showed me that one is never too old to expand their tech skills. She patiently shares her knowledge so that even novices to new classroom technology feel empowered to use and try tech tools. This course is very helpful and informative. Take the course, friends. You will be glad you did."

    Cathy T. 3rd Grade Teacher

  • "Taking this course from Jacey made me a better teacher by utilizing FREE technology resources that are right at my fingertips. I really appreciate her sharing these so we don't have to spend so much time going out on the web and finding them and then trying to teach ourself how to use them. Jacey is very supportive and always available to answer questions you may have or walk you through something you're struggling with. I would recommend this course to a teacher at any grade level as there's something for everyone!"

    JoLynn F.
    Kindergarten Teacher

  • "Technology integrated into a classroom will enhance the curriculum, draw in students, and bring words to life with videos from travels to far parts of the world. Jacey’s experience in finding what I needed, when I needed it, made her my go to person to search for world experiences for my classroom."

    Christy R.
    Junior High English & Social Studies

Meet Your Instructor

The founder of integratED, Jacey is dedicated to supporting teachers and schools as they integrate technology in the classroom. She is a former high school business and computer teacher turned educational technology integrator for schools. 

Jacey holds her Master's degree in Education and multiple certifications from educational companies. She thoroughly enjoys sharing free, user-friendly technology integrations with teachers and supporting schools with technology integration. 

*The button will redirect to the University’s webpage, and the course name will be listed as “Elevating Classroom Engagement with Free EdTech Tools.” This is the same course material as Top Tech Tools for Teachers!

Choose “Enroll (No Credits)” if you have a promo code.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to attend anything live?
Nope! All the course material is ready and available to you immediately! 

Is this course available for university credit?
Yes! Use the university link button (*Enroll + 2 Credits) to receive 2 graduate continuing education credits from the University of North Dakota.

This course can also be set up for a group of teachers or a school district for credit.
Please contact Jacey at jacey@integratedteacher.com to request this be set up for yourself or your school's professional development. 

Will I receive a completion certificate?
Yes, you will receive a completion certificate that some schools accept for professional development hours. 

Every school has different requirements, so check with your school if you plan to use this certificate of completion to go toward those hours.

I want to purchase multiple accounts. Do you offer a bulk account discount?
Yes! If you wish to purchase ten or more access accounts, please get in touch with Jacey at jacey@integratedteacher.com for bulk pricing!